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Corporate Communication book review pdf download

Book: Corporate Communication

Author: Rokhsana Akhter Rupee

Publiser: Adarsha pdf

Format: PDF File

category: Career Development

Rokhsana Akhter Rupee book pdf download

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Book review: pdf Library

It’s a amazing tremendous book. Very much helpful for todays corporate world. Better communication is must for our career development. For this the book will be much helpful for you and career. The book has worked a lot according to the communication hacks. This book is very useful for those who have weaknesses in communication. I hope everyone will benefit.

Rexana Akhter Rupi Mam’s book “Corporate Communication” is very effective in taking corporate life one step further. Starting from a graduate student, an experienced businessman also needs to acquire various skills in corporate life such as English skills, communication skills, e-mail writing, spoken English, presentations, etc.

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The book contains complete guidelines for writing e-mails in a variety of formal and professional situations. According to the professionals, there are rules for writing e-mails to big companies with full guidelines and examples like British vs American, Old VS Modern.

The middle section of the book contains the step-by-step terms for English speaking and presentation. There is also detailed writing about dressup, body language, eye contact, confidence. The book also has QUER code through which readers listen to various audios in international languages.

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Be able to correct their pronunciation. There is also a list of what English should be like for business and what words English experts can say. The book contains a complete set of guidelines for how to succeed in business. In order to survive in the competition of corporate life in the 21st century, one has to prepare oneself with some skills.

One of them is communication skills. Rupee Mam wrote the book from her own experience to help employees at any level in corporate life communicate in English. The book will also be very informative and useful for school-college or university students who want to prepare themselves for corporate jobs.

Corporate Communication book by Rokhsana Akhter Rupee pdf
